hello and


We are St. John Episcopal Church, a vibrant Christian community in the heart of historic York.

Celebrating faith, sharing community.


The Holy Eucharist

also referred to as Holy Communion, The Lord’s Supper, or the Mass, is central to our worship and is celebrated on Sunday & Wednesday.

The Last Sunday after Epiphany, March 2

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II

10:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Wednesday, March 5

10:00 AM Ash Wednesday Eucharist w/ Ashes, Parish Chapel

12:15 PM Ash Wednesday Liturgy w/ Ashes, Parish Chapel

6:00 PM Ash Wednesday Eucharist w/ Ashes, Church

Friday, March 7

12:15 PM Stations of the Cross, Church


For over 250 years

the people of St. John have maintained a rhythm of worship & praise of God in Christ. At our best, we are:

An oasis of God’s love in a confused world.

A beacon of Christ’s light within our city.

A dwelling place for the Kingdom of God.