Lay Leadership
Our parish relies on the talents and leadership of our membership. We have been blessed over many decades to have individuals willing to help.
The parish Vestry is the main governing body of the church. Members of the Vestry are elected every year at our Annual Parish Meeting. In addition, we have a number of standing committees who support the worship and ministries of our church.
Click below to review the official Minutes of recent Vestry activity.
Parish Officers
Carolyn Warman, Senior Warden
Brian Hershner, Junior Warden
Felicia Marino, Clerk of the Vestry
Matt Conant, Treasurer
Vestry Members
Mike Dellinger (2027)
Megan Dietz (2026)
Jim Gleba (2028)
Scott Hamilton (2027)
Brian Hershner (2027)
Casey Holtzapple (2028)
David Kierce (2026)
Felicia Marino (2026)
R. Eric Menzer (2028)
Claudia Parks (2027)
Peter E. Partridge (2026)
Carolyn Warman (2028)
Committee Chairs
R. Eric Menzer, Acolyte Director
Anne Deisher & Susan Ariail, Altar Guild
Liz Wright, Finance: Investments
Peter E. Partridge, Finance: Operations
Tom Russell, Finance: Pledging & Stewardship
Kristine Potter Klouse, Parish Life
Susan Ariail, Outreach