Christian life is community life
We are a communion of people who gather to worship the God revealed in Christ and to become the Body of Christ for the world.
After-Worship-Fellowship in the Parish Commons is a weekly opportunity to see and to know each other as a living communion, as a family of faith. Please join us for fellowship and refreshments as we allow Christ to continue knitting us into a fellowship of self-giving love for the world.

“I began attending St. John’s for a number of reasons. St. John’s was filled with good people - what Jesus called ‘salt’ and ‘light’ (Matthew 5:13-16). St. John’s clergy has been friendly and thoughtful. St. John’s has been a safe place to ask questions - even to have doubts like the Apostle Thomas. Then there is St. John’s more than 250 year history: I figure God must truly be at work in a church this old. Last but not least, the liturgies we use in our worship - they make me feel what I would describe as the living presence of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. My spiritual life has been inestimably improved through St. John’s.”